Hi allヾ(•ω•`)o For my winter holidays I was thinking on doing nothing more than rest and watch some series or movies that I recently want to watch, maybe I will study too, but I'm not sure about that because I always ends doing nothing. However, I would like to visit my friends in Concepción and going to the cinema to see the new movie of the minions, walk around, visit some interesting places in Concepción or do anything with them. As soon as the winter holidays start, I'm going to travel to my house in Los Angeles, where is my family (my parents, brother, grandmother, uncles), and I'm going to be with them until the second semester starts. Also, like I said before, I'm going to visit my friends in Concepción and possibly be with them in Los Angeles when they go there too. I don't know If I'm going to go anywhere else, but I don't really have that many vacations to do that many things. And, I don't have any particular activity that I want to do, but I w